Ball Fatigue bench
Cylinder control panel for fatigue testing of materials or products, once integrated into a fatigue device.
Main functions
Carry out fatigue tests on composite materials, enabling the reproduction of mechanical stresses representative of real-life conditions.
The fatigue testing device must be innovative and adapted to the materials to be tested. In addition, the system must be modular and scalable in order to integrate new functionalities according to the progress of the client’s research on the mechanical behaviour of composites, coupled with temperature and humidity.
The system must be able to be controlled according to complex position or force profiles.
Solution and result
LF Technologies offers a device comprising two electric cylinders, two force sensors and a control panel. Each axis is controlled independently, either manually or according to a programmed trajectory. In addition, each axis is equipped with a linear or brushless motor, controlled by a drive.
The integrated PC is equipped with a specific software that allows to visualize and control the measurements, actuators and drives (ON/OFF position, zero search, etc.), to perform the automatic cycling according to a programmed trajectory, to save the measurements made during a test and to calibrate the measurements. Manual or programmed motion is controlled via an analogue speed setpoint, and position is measured by an encoder feedback. Force measurement is provided by a tension/compression sensor.
The programming of complex position or force trajectories is done simply from spreadsheet files, which can be derived from measurements made in real conditions.
This control device can be used alone or integrated into a mechanical endurance test bench to test the fatigue life of a product or material. It is installed in the Research & Development laboratory.

Composite materials

Actuator control for fatigue systems
Actuator control for fatigue systems

Bench-mounted linear actuator
Bench-mounted linear actuator

Linear actuator
Linear actuator

Fatigue bench for balls
Fatigue bench for balls

Carbon fibre tested
Carbon fibre tested

3d test analysis screen
3d test analysis screen

Tennis Ball Fatigue Test
Tennis Ball Fatigue Test

Linear actuator
Linear actuator
Tennis Ball Fatigue Test

Do you have a project in mind ?
I'm here to advise you and propose solutions tailored to your needs.
Benoit Pelloquin
Mechanical Division
Other sector applications
Discover other test benches and special machines designed and built by LF Technologies.