LF Technologies logo, test bench manufacturer and designer

What is a test bench retrofit?

Retrofitting consists in adding, modifying or restoring technological functions to existing industrial installations, with a view to optimizing their performance.

Renovation – or retrofit – enables you toenhance the performance of your test systems or adapt them to new technical or regulatory constraints and/or requirements.

LF Technologies implements a range of interventions to restore and ensure the long-term operability of your installations.

We carry out mechanical, IT and software revamping operations, as well as compliance work on your test benches and special production machines.

Revamping, a service provided by LF Technologies
Retrofit, a service provided by LF Technologies
Revamping, a service from LF Technologies

Why modernize a test bench?

Test benches are extremely robust machines designed to be used for many years. However, modernizing a test bench remains essential to guarantee optimal operation and extend its service life. Regular maintenance and adaptation to new test and product requirements are necessary to ensure that a test bench does not age prematurely. The obsolescence or ageing of test equipment can lead to problems such as a drop in quality or non-compliance with new standards. Unlike building a new test bench, refurbishing or retrofitting a test bench saves on investment.

In addition, modernizing test benches not only keeps them up to date, but also offers a number of benefits:

  • Performance enhancement
  • Better ergonomics
  • Better communication with the ecosystem
  • etc.
The reasons for modernizing a test bench

Do you have a project  ? Contact our test bench experts

LF Technologies at your service

LF Technologies has expertise in revamping, industrial design and HMI, with the aim of offering you reliable, easy-to-use equipment.

LF Technologies offers you the Retrofit test bench service to optimize the performance of your machines, and increase their efficiency and reliability.


LF Technologies offers you the Retrofit test bench service to optimize the performance of your machines, and increase their efficiency and reliability.
This service enables you to keep your machine up to date with the latest innovations, at lower cost, because we only change what's necessary.
We add a stylistic approach to the design of our hydraulic and mechanical test benches.


We add a stylistic approach to the design of our hydraulic and mechanical test benches.
Our equipment is designed with optimization, quality, reliability and ease of use in mind.

Mechanical design

Our equipment is designed with optimization, quality, reliability and ease of use in mind.

Test bench revamping: a solution tailored to your needs

Retrofitting a test bench is not just an alternative to a new installation, but a customized solution tailored to your needs. That’s why we help you identify risks and areas for improvement on your test benches. Whether it’s a production bench, an endurance bench or a performance bench, your machines need to evolve. We are able to replace obsolete and/or malfunctioning elements, such as measuring instrument components, and add new requirements. We can install new versions of the software on your test benches. The upgrade or update brings you significant improvements in the functionality of your interface:

  • clearer, more precise reporting and calculations,
  • better compatibility with network operating systems,

We take advantage of these hardware upgrades to make the necessary modifications to your program to comply with the new applicable testing standards. This operation can also be an opportunity to add new functions, always with a view to enhanced performance and reliability. What’s more, we can modernize and enhance your user interface (GUI ) to make it more intuitive, ergonomic and aesthetically pleasing, enabling you to run your test operations more efficiently. Finally, we are also able to modernize and calibrate the force, weight and vision sensors installed on your machines, to offer you greater precision in the measurements and controls carried out. Renovation and retrofitting of your test bench will improve your measurement system in every respect:

  • Precision
  • Applications
  • Measurement capacity

LF Technologies will support you and offer you a technical upgrade of your installations to comply with the latest safety and regulatory requirements.

So, even if your test bench fleet is starting to age, test standards are changing and your existing machines are no longer compatible, computer software needs updating, or you’re moving production sites, you can continue to use your test bench optimally after a retrofit, without having to buy a new machine.