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Wire Cutting Machine on Rotary Table
Special machinesWire Cutting Machine on Rotary Table

Wire Cutting Machine on Rotary Table

  • Rotary table for horizontal, vertical and bevel cutting
  • Ability to cut a wide range of materials, including flexible materials (insulation foam, packaging foam, etc.)
  • Quick set-up and cutting time
  • Accuracy of cutting
  • Easy programming
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High-speed abrasive wire cutting of materials; This cutting technique makes it possible to cut a large number of different materials, particularly flexible materials, with virtually no cutting effort; Abrasive wire cutting allows cuts to be made with a very fine “saw cut” and without a preferential direction (possibility of cutting in all directions).


  • Turntable for 360° cutting
  • Automatic optimization of the feed speed according to the cutting force
  • Optimisation of the feed speed according to the bending radius and change of direction
  • Automatic wire breakage detection


  • Ability to cut a wide range of materials, including flexible materials (insulation foam, packaging foam, etc.)
  • Quick set-up and cutting time
  • Accuracy of cutting
  • Easy programming

Abrasive wire cutting

Advantages of the MO-D-FIL – Abrasive Wire Cutting Machine


Our machine features a Turntable for effortless 360° cutting

Ensures the cleanliness of the machine and products for machining operations;

Keeps machines clean

Ensures the cleanliness of the machine and products for machining operations;

Operator safety in relation to MO smoke emissions

Sécurité des opérateurs

Operator safety with respect to MO smoke emissions

Cutting complex shapes

Our machine allows you to cut complex or non-complex shapes on a wide range of materials.


Explore our add-on modules to get the most out of your special machine ! Discover innovative solutions to further enrich your experience and optimize your results.